Mason Area Chamber of Commerce
Thursday Jul 4, 2024
The parade steps off from Mason High School at 4:30 pm Free to participate Come celebrate the country's independence in Mason, MI otherwise known as Hometown USA. The parade features local businesses, groups, and organizations and is always a crowd-pleaser.
Independence Day Parade 2024
Date and Time
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM EDT
Staging begins at 3 pm at Mason High SchoolFees/Admission
This event is generously presented by Lansing Lawn & Snow. We would also like to thank the City of Mason, Ingham County Facilities and the Mason Fire Department for their partnership for this event.
Interested in volunteering? Signup here: Please call the office at 517-676-1046
This is an open parade and pre-registration is not required but is appreciated by our staff.
You will still need to check in at the MACC booth at the staging area (Mason High School Parking Lot) to receive your parade number.
BY POLICE ORDER: No throwing of candy or other items from parade units is permitted. Walkers only may walk to sidelines and hand candy, etc. to spectators. NO GETTING ON OR OFF UNITS during the parade. The city and chamber are not liable for any police citations or injuries resulting from violation of this directive.
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